"Give a needy child a lunch meal – A cup of porridge project" has a great impact on the performance of needy children.
During the past few months, we have been busy providing lunch meals to children in Masaka Schools.
Usually, the school bell rings at 1:00 pm Ugandan time and students who paid to have a lunch meal are the only ones that line up to receive a cup of porridge or a Posho and beans for a lunch meal. For those who didn’t pay, they either go in the field to play or sleep until the bell rings for all students to go back to their respective classes for evening lessons. It is always very hard for students who had not eaten anything to concentrate in lessons.
The impact
It is so heartening when a generous donor makes it possible for us to say ‘’yes’’ to one more child, youth, or deserving family who needs us. Please know how grateful we are to you for your contributions and donations towards lunch meals for the less privileged children we work with.
Since 2010 the feeding program has so far benefited over 2025 students (1,000 girls and 1,025 boys aged 3 years and 16 years) both in schools and foster homes. We have overall raised $2151.62 for our Give a needy child a lunch meal – A cup of porridge project. Your donation greatly adds up to this and it has enabled Youth With A Vision (YWAV) to secure funds to maintain lunch meals for less privileged children in Uganda. With your donation, we have provided lunch meals to over 267 orphans and less privileged children in 6 schools (including Ssunga Primary School, ST. Kizito Gayaza Primary School, Kyassuma Primary School, Kitenga Primary School, Nyendo Public Primary School, ST. Anthony Secondary School), and 3 foster families!
We thank you so much for your donation, and I want to share some thanks from one of the children that benefited:

Before getting this lunch meal opportunity, I used to leave my home at Katwadde at 7:00 am for school without morning eats not even a packed lunch meal. Along the way
I passed by children with packed lunch meals, others on school vans while for me I walk 10km every day to school.
This condition disturbed my learning ability a lot because each time the teacher was teaching,
I could be yawning, sleepy, hungry and thinking of the children I come across with packed lunch meals every day while for me I spend 10 hours at school without not even a pancake.
My academic performance was low. Who am I now! The smile I have now is that I have hope for a lunch meal while at school every day! I am no longer hungry and I can now concentrate on lessons. Thank you so much for offering me a lunch meal.
Jonah Kuteesa P.4 Ssunga Primary School
Before enrolling Ssunga Primary School on the feeding program, out of 200 students only 20 had access to lunch meals but now 100 students have access to lunch meals every day! Mr. Richard Kavuma who is the headteacher of Ssunga Primary School supplements that the increased access to lunch meals has improved the general school performance – teachers have the morale to teach lively students and students respond positively to the learning process.
Less privileged children sleep in the field during lunchtime

AFTER LUNCH MEAL Children now have something to eat at lunchtime
More children than ever need the strength and comfort of Youth With A Vision’s important projects and because of you, Youth With A Vision opens the door to deserving children experiencing financial hardship.
Plans for July – December 2019
Food is a necessity for the healthy development of children but due to financial hardship, not all children have access to this basic need. Hence, in association with supporters like you, we strive to provide a nutritious cup of porridge meal to deserving children. It is a humongous task, indeed! But we believe, the collective effort can make it achievable. Lunch meals for thousands of children is the need of the day. And, to make it available and accessible, we need you to continue providing lunch meals to the 267 children already on the program and needing our strength and comfort.
The Feeding project is able to sustain itself over time and provide long-lasting benefits for generations to come.
Students are trained in urban farming techniques
Students create food forests and hanging gardens in school compounds providing fresh vegetables to
all students.
Youth With A Vision has a big on-the-ground impact and administrative spending is routinely kept below 10%. With continued financial support, A cup of Porridge Lunch Meal will become an affordable child feeding model and will improve child nutrition in schools and foster homes.
We hope to generate additional revenue for lunch meals through our innovative annual fundraising Dinner Day ‘Dine So They Can….Day’ on 26 October 2019 which engages friends and supporters to raise for us funds in their home communities.
That is where we, together make a difference!
YWAV appreciates your ongoing support, and thank you so much for supporting our previous fundraisers on GlobalGiving.
Please sign up for email updates on how your support to our projects transforms lives one at ago and for the better! Please become a monthly donor (if you are not yet) and you help to secure funds to maintain lunch meals for less privileged children in Uganda.
Thank you for being a kind donor and supporter helping Youth With A Vision to feed less privileged children!