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Every child needs a safe home and someone who will take them to the doctor, make sure they get a bath and get them up in the morning so they get
to school. And just as important, children need someone who loves them and does not hurt or abuse them. Unfortunately, due to HIV/AIDS and poverty, many disadvantaged children miss out on all of these. We partner with interested families and provide foster homes for the children who are affected by disasters at the time they need it the most. At our foster families, children find a permanent family that believes strongly in preserving their values and traditions and encourages them to pass them on to their peers.
Some children stay in the foster families while others who have homes to stay but are needy, come and join their friends for the Saturday, holiday training programs and social events. The children we foster are orphans, most vulnerable,marginalized and desperately in need without a place to call home. In our foster families, children stay in group facilities and with foster parents. We train and support the foster parents to provide quality foster care for the fostered children.
We provide a child in a foster family with feeding, clothing, medical care, beddings, toys to play with, counseling and rehabilitation, spiritual
empowerment, skills training and career development which helps these children to rebuild their lives and instill hope and bring a smile on their faces. All of these programs will create self-sustainability and re-unification back to the community.
We assist children with school fees and associated support for them to access education.
A child stays in a foster family until they are grown up enough to care for themselves or when we locate another relative who can care for them properly. It can be for several years.
Our foster families are;
MacGregor Foster Family located and serving Kasijjagirwa Centre
ST. Mary’s Foster Family located, and serving Kayirikiti Centre
Kako Foster Family located, and serving Kako Centre

You can help make a difference.
Please donate any amount and you support the children on foster care OR sponsor a child (£24 a month) in our foster care today and help save a child's life in Uganda.
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